The Role Of Abigail Williams Motives In The Crucible

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In the words of Richelle E. Goodrich, “Vengeance is a monster of appetite, forever bloodthirsty and never filled.” Arthur Miller recognized this sinful inclination as it commonly circulated during the anti-communist, “Red Scare.” He corresponds this period to the 1692, Salem Witch Trials, another frightening occasion where wicked accusations loomed over civilians. At least 200 people were thought to practice witchcraft and around 20 were executed on account of this. Without a doubt, both incidents prove how quick someone can act upon bitter motives, specifically by spreading unscrupulous lies for the sake of getting even. Harboring a grudge is often accompanied by unpleasant feelings capable of guiding one's self towards petty means of retaliation. …show more content…

She abhorred Goody Proctor and saw her as the cause for John ending their affair. She’d been dismissed by Elizabeth, which prompted reluctance towards hiring her. When questioned over her sullied reputation, Abigail responded with, “She hates me, uncle, she must, for I would not be her slave. It’s a bitter woman, a lying, cold, sniveling woman, and I will not work for such a woman!” (Miller Act 1, Scene 1, Line 65). Abigail’s clearly enraged over the consequences of her illicit affairs. Naturally, she pins her fall from grace on the woman blockading her desires. Subsequently, when John rejects her proposal to rekindle their romance, she furiously remarks, “She is blackening my name in the village! She is telling lies about me! She is a cold, sniveling woman, and you bend to her! Let her turn you like a—” (Miller Act 1, Scene 1, Line 203). Once more, she speaks ill of Goody Proctor, evidently jealous of her marital status to John. This explosive envy stimulated her questionable actions, for instance, drinking blood to kill Elizabeth. Therefore, it was no surprise that she cried witchcraft on Goody Proctor. It was the easiest way to dispose of her, allowing a replacement to assume her position. In short, she lied, schemed, and manipulated simply to wipe out her perceived …show more content…

Jacobs had already rejected Putnam’s proposal to buy off this territory. Nonetheless, his greed propelled a devious chase for land acquisition, in which Thomas willingly discarded an innocent man’s life. Giles Corey was aware of these unethical intentions, stating, “If Jacobs hangs for a witch he forfeit up his property—that’s law! And there is none but Putnam with the coin to buy so great a piece. This man is killing his neighbors for their land!” (Miller 638). As illustrated, Putnam disliked Jacobs’ opposition towards selling his property, enough to purposely murder him and get what he wanted. What’s more, Giles presents the court with evidence confirming, “The proof is there! I have it from an honest man who heard Putnam say it! The day his daughter cried out on Jacobs, he said she’d given him a fair gift of land” (Miller 638). Exploiting your child in malicious schemes certainly describes a disgruntled, irate man. Ultimately, Jacobs was the scapegoat throughout Putnam’s virulent acts. A simple rejection cost him his