The Role Of Alienation In Karl Marx

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Karl Mar was an interesting socialist whose ideas were not generally supported by some countries. He focused on alienation, species being, and the social impact of our system of food distribution and consumption. He wanted his audience/followers to understand how alienation was and is related to the organization of labor and systems of exchange under capitalism.
Marx thought of alienation as being “inherent in capitalism, because the process of production and the results of our labor confront us as a dominating power“ (p. 47). He also believed that alienation is a necessary feature of capitalism because for the wage earner, work is alienating because it serves solely to provide the means such as money for maintaining physical existence (p.47). Marx believed that people worked just for money –and not for the creative potential of labor itself, which was akin to selling your soul (p.47). For example, many factory workers are hired to work for wages and support capitalism. It creates a sense of alienation from everything around them.
According to Marx, the worker is just the subject to the demands of the production process and has little control over the production. Having little control over the production causes these workers to work away from nature. Interestingly enough, Marx mentions that when the worker is “torn away from the object of his labor, he is unable to realize the essence of his creative nature or “species being” through his work” (p. 48). These workers fail