The Role Of Anosognisia In The Last Of Socrates

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What is wisdom? The simple definition I found is the knowledge that is gained by having many experiences in life, the natural ability to understand things that most other people cannot understand, and the knowledge of what is proper or reasonable: good sense or judgment. My answer to this question isn’t a matter of what is but who is. I believe that Socrates will be one of if not the wisest in history not because of what he did and did not do but of who is was.
Are you able to allow truth to possess you rather then believing that it is your possession? Anosognisia is a condition in which a person who suffers from a disability is unaware of their own disability. Unlike denial, which to you may maybe a psychological defense mechanism, Anosognisia …show more content…

He finds many people that claim to be wise men and who are very smart too, but the trouble with these people is that they are blind to their own foolishness into their own limitations and to the fields they do not know. They don't know what they don't know and they can’t acknowledge their own ignorance. So after a long search Socrates finally comes to the conclusion that actually maybe I am the wisest man in all of Athens, but the only reason for that is because I know I'm a fool. I know that I'm foolish and I'm aware of my own ignorance and perhaps that is the reason why I am …show more content…

We get from the Greek word “Gnosis”, which means to know. There was there was an entire heretical set known as the Gnostics that believe they had a kind of secret knowledge which liberated them. The “A” in Agnosticism is a negation so to not know. Just like the “A” before theist or theism, so if Theism is someone who believes in God atheism is one that does not believe in God. The “A” is a negation. As indication that it is important to point out that atheism is the position that there is no God and just like theism is a position that says that there is a God. Agnosticism on the other hand just acknowledges not knowing. It's quite a different thing than the position to say that there is no God or that there is a God it's a position that says ultimately don't know. As a Christian I believe that the world was created. I believe that Jesus is the image of the invisible God. I believe that in him and in his resurrection we have a possibility wholeness and of restoration. These are not facts that I know, these are truths that I live by. I also have my own subjective experience of the reality of God in my