The Role Of Feminism In The Handmaid's Tale

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Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal. It defines, establishes, and achieves equal political, economic, personal, and social rights for women. “This was also the perspective conveyed by the best know histories of the American women’s movement published prior to 1970, in which feminism effectively began in 1848 at Seneca Falls and the focus was on votes for women” (Offen 6). In Margaret Atwood’s novel The Handmaid’s Tale shows how women advocated feminism in order to increase a political ideal. However, people say that it is impossible to read the novel without being aware of the issues of gender and the aspects of feminism, that are central to it. This novel presents a complex …show more content…

The Handmaid’s Tale has been very much part of the feminist movement and is always insisting on finding out information on individual perspectives. It examines traditional attitudes that are embedded on thinking that religious rights are particularly threatening. It dares to name an enemy, and if that person is a female, the enemy could have everyone you have ever loved. The novel is a tragic story, where a woman is successful in one way or another oppressed, by means of sexual violence, knowledge, and power. However, today 's government and people around the world believe that women should and are able to encourage their highest potential. They have more freedom and they are now starting to be independent. They do not have to follow rules from other people and do not have the feeling of being in prison. Even though, there has been a lot of differences with the rights of genders female voices are now as important as men’s and that both sexes deserve equal opportunities equal rights. Finally, females have the right to vote, have jobs, be involved in politics, and they are free to love whoever they want and they think they will be happy to share their lives with. They are not judging or kill by marring one or twice because love is now free and no bible rules are involved with today’s