How Did The Friar Send The Letter To Romeo And Juliet

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In the play of William Shakespeare of Romeo and Juliet I think that Friar Lawrence was the Issue In this play because he could have done many things differently. The first thing he could have done Is just not give the poison to Juliet which would then have not made Romeo First miss his letter from the Friar but also have saved him from committing suicide. The Second thing the Friar could have don't to save both of their lives Again is to give the letter to Romeo first in the play it states, "Hold! Get you gone, be strong and rich In this resolve. I'll send a Friar with speed to Matunua, with my letters to your lord." This tells me he did not plan ahead to make sure the plan did go as meant too. What he should have done is send the letter to Matunua first then tell Juliet drink the Poison. …show more content…

After that he told Juliet to drink a so called Poison without telling Romeo first. Which this then all added up to Romeo seeing Juliet dead, Killing himself, this way making Juliet commit suicide as she woke up seeing Romeo's Knife as he lie beside he with a bottle of poison in his hands. As Juliet took her life she said "O' Happy Dagger" which could mean that she really loved Romeo and would do anything to clearly state