The Role Of Technology In Fahrenheit 451

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Technology is a way for people to escape from reality. Technology’s role in the loss of human connection is a central developed theme in Ray Bradbury’s dystopian novel, Fahrenheit 451. People living in this fictional world are constantly controlled by the technology surrounding them. All this technology negatively affects the way the humans in the novel interact with each other. This theme teaches readers the dangers of technology, and its ability to take over. Mildred is one of the main characters in Fahrenheit 451. Throughout the novel, Mildred is an example of how technology affects human connection, and how it is slowly taking over. In Book 1, The Hearth and the Salamander, Montag has difficulty communicating with his wife, Mildred, …show more content…

She teaches Montag the importance of nature and the real world. Clarisse explains how teenagers her age don't socialize anymore. Clarisse believes she is the only one who is social anymore. She also mentions that violence is increasing and teenagers kill each other for fun. She tells Montag, “I’m afraid of children my own age. They kill each other. Did it always use to be that way? My uncle says no. Six of my friends have been shot in the last year alone. Ten of them died in car wrecks. I’m afraid of them and they don't like me because I’m afraid”(pg 27, Book 1). Clarisse explains how children her age are reckless and go around killing people because they have nothing better to do. She believes in nature and life. Clarisse teaches Montag to appreciate nature and the little things in life. She also asks Montag if he is happy, which leads him, later on, to think about how he is not happy in this life. Montag and Clarisse both wish that the society they live in could return to its old state and be more normal. Clarisse is a happy character because she does not spend her days inside her house hooked on technology. The questions that Clarisse asks Montag make him question how he is living his life. Clarisse impacts Montag and helps him change the way he is living.Clarisse is a good example of how human connection is being destroyed by technology. She tries to socialize with the people around her but finds it