Christian Society For The Reformation Of Manners Analysis

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Christian Society for the Reformation of Manners

The Christian Society for the Reformation of Manners originated during the reign of Charles II., which was marked by the rise of religious societies. Their initial philosophy was to fight the growth of popery in England, however after the Glorious revolution they expanded their notion and began to battle irreligion (Primer, p. 66, 1975). At that time, it was a widespread believe that economic activity unless strictly limited would severely danger the life of virtuous citizens (Horne, Introduction, 1978). English men were often urgently warned to constrain their habits due to the punishment that could be imposed by God (Goldsmith, p.1, 1985). This is linked to the views of the Society …show more content…

They believed that it also entailed supernatural consequences by attracting the wrath of God. The fate of Sodom & Gomorrah was often taken as warning. They saw similarities in the behavior of the contemporary citizens of England and the ones from Sodom & Gomorrah (Horne, p. 7, 1978). Sodomites were ultimately punished by God due to their pride, selfishness and indifference [Quote check] (Ezekiel 16: 49-50, As Loader (p. 37; pp. 46-47, 1990) points out emphasis should be placed on the fact that God punished individual and mass immorality, but redeemed individual innocence and saved them from destruction.


Mandeville, a native Dutch, was born near Rotterdam in the year 1670s to a distinguished family. Both his father as well his great-grandfather were doctors, which surely had impact on his path (Hundert, p. 2, 1994). He attended the Erasmus School in the 1690’s before enrolling to the University of Leyden, where he studied philosophy and medicine. After receiving his doctor degree, he left the Netherlands and decided to stay in London, where he married and pursued a literary career. (Horne, xi,