
The Role Of The Poor In John Steinbeck's Grapes Of Wrath

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In Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck says poor people help poor people. Through is portrayal of the Joad family, as well as the Joads and strangers helping each other, he says people in poverty are the most generous and step the most.
Throughout the book there are many examples of poor helping poor like in chapter thirteen when the Joads first meet the Wilsons when the Grandpa is dying and the Wilsons give a helping hand by offering their tent to this full family strangers, not knowing they could possibly be lying to steal their tent. Another more meaningful example was in the last chapter when Rose of Sharon breast fed a dying man, this part of the book can be looked in many different ways but in this Rose of Sharon has nothing but finds a …show more content…

Timothy and Wilkie offered Tom to eat breakfast with them, and Tom said. “Seems funny. I’ve et your food, an’ I ain’t told you my name-nor you ain’t mentioned yours. I’m Tom Joad.” (Pg. …show more content…

The Wallaces clearly have nothing and they had to sell their car in order to have food, yet they still offer breakfast to Tom, the Wallaces also even said they have a chance to lose their jobs or get a pay cut if they ask to get Tom a job, but they still do all of this when they have arguably less than the Joads. These actions and deeds happen in real life, but that isn't what John Steinbeck mean by poor helping poor, John Steinbeck wanted change with this book, he told us that poor help poor but he wanted the wealthy and higher ranked people to step p and help those in need which this is somewhat happening now. Obama Care is somewhat an example of this, since all taxpayers and businesses have to pay towards this by paying taxes. Sure this isn’t them directing helping the poor and most don’t want to help especially in this way but it is a start towards what John Steinbeck wanted. These type of actions and deeds happen in real, with poor helping poor and being the ones to step up. Throughout the book all of the people hated all of th poor people comn in to take jobs, calling them Okies and treating them like they weren’t even human. The same type treatment happens in real life when the more wealthy and upper class complain about having to help pay for Obama Care, or complain about how the poor can have free healthcare when they don’t know the struggle that people can actually go through. Technically speaking then the

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