Grapes Of Wrath Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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John Steinbeck has a style of writing unparalleled in history and in the modern world. In the same way, his philosophies are also unparalleled, with his focus in socialism not extending to communism or abnegation of spiritualism. His ideal world is utopian, holding the dust bowl migrant at the same level as the yeoman farmer was held in Jeffersonian times. In The Grapes of Wrath Steinbeck Steinbeck, who posses impregnable technique, conveys his message of a group working tirelessly for the betterment of the community. In specific, Steinbeck manipulates intercalary chapters, a robust narrative, and allusions in order to get his point that community is indispensable across. To begin, Steinbeck’s intercalary chapters abruptly halted the narrative, yet progressed the themes in a stunning manner. The turtle in chapter three is a delicate symbol and an excellent example of an intercalary chapter that moved the whole book, so to speak. Steinbeck leaves a whole chapter to describe a turtle for seemingly no apparent reason; nevertheless, when describing this turtle, he releases a powerful symbol that preys on the sympathy of the reader. “His hard legs and yellow-nailed feet threshed slowly through the grass, not really walking, but boosting his shell along”(14). These symbols, likely personification or animal imagery, that induce pathos on the reader feel almost as if …show more content…

Community, so close to Steinbeck’s heart, is exaggerated in every possible way in this novel. In an eloquent way, he molds the reader’s hearts to believe that a communal soul (or oversoul) is best for the people as well. Truly, the language and rhetoric applied in order to encourage this philosophy is unlike any other writing by Steinbeck, or any other socialist writer for that