The Role Of The Regulator Movement And Land Riots In Colonial America

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Through the Regulator movement and land riots in America, they both were due to issues within land, class and power throughout colonial America. From the late 1760s throughout the early 1770s, America started to see a rise in issues between the people and the authorities. The colonists were especially angered by the taxation policies that were imposed by the British government, of course seeing these laws as unfair and unjust. As a result of these upset and unjust acts, rebellions and riots broke out throughout the colonies to oppose the laws placed on them through the British government. These events highlighted the social unrest between the classes and how the power dynamic was heavily influenced by the control fo land and the wealth of the …show more content…

These riots were usually formed by the poor colonists that felt that the distribution of land between one another was unfair and unequal. The wealthy were able to get large pieces of land while poor colonists did not even have the access to these lands. This caused an uproar between the many colonists. The poor colonists believes that through their actions they were attempting to show the government that their rights should not be ignored and that the people of power that the government should be seeing the problem of the unfair treatment being presented to the colonists who should have just as fair of a right of land that wealthy colonists …show more content…

Though the actions of the land rioters and regulators desired to showcase their hate for the unjust power within the colonies. They addressed the issue of land with the riots by stating that land was unjustly given out throughout the colonies, favoring the rich with an abundance of possible property, while the poor did not even have a chance to look at land to purchase. Allowing the authorities to pocket large amounts of money from the wealthy and were blinded by greed. Class was a clear separation because of wealth, the more wealth someone had within the colonies the more likely they were able to gain access to the power of colonial America. Within this time period many laws were still slightly loose which allowed for corruption within the powerful positions within the colonies. Of course, allowing the wealthy to use money to garner greedy individuals to work in their favor. Again, allowing for more land to be sold to these powerful and rich individuals within a higher class system than the poor with no connection and no way to gain connections through the little money that they