Advantages And Disadvantages Of Rome

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The Roman Republic was one of the most respected and powerful civilization of the ancient world. When it came to the purposes of government the Romans did very well.
When it came to providing public services, the Romans provided their citizens with many resources that helped them live their daily lives, and they did this while spending little to no money. One example of these resources is the aqueduct. Aqueducts were built to supply fresh water. These aqueducts were more advanced than any others that had been used before in history, made of pipes that run underground or through a lined trough. Eventually, the water that ran through these pipes would flow into a basin that fed the water to public baths, fountains, or a few places. Public …show more content…

So, the Romans created a new form of government, called a democracy. In this form of government, the people vote for their own leaders. Every citizen could vote for a leader, but since the women, children, and slaves were not citizens, they could not vote. The Romans had three branches of government - the legislative assembly, the senate, and the consuls. The twelve tables were a large part of Roman rule of law. The twelve tables were laws that were posted on 12 tables in public for everyone to see. After the plebeians had threatened to leave Rome and leave the patricians by themselves, and the patricians agreed to give them more equal rights, they had to make sure that everyone knew the laws and that if they broke them it would be harder to get away with this. The twelve tables protected the rights of all citizens no matter their social class. Many protections and rights that were given to people under the Roman law only applied to citizens. Overall, I would give the Romans rule of law a …show more content…

In Rome’s economic system, agriculture and trade dominated their fortunes. Roman farms were filled with grains, olives, and grapes, and olive oil and wine were among the most products in the ancient world. Trade was also very important in the Romans economy. The Romans traded items such as copper, glass, lead, silk, tin, and wine. The Romans taxes were also included in their economic system. In the early days of Rome, the tax rate was normally only 1%, 3% if a war was going on. These taxes were “levied” against land, homes, slaves, animals, personal items, and monetary wealth. Later in time in the Roman empire, the Romans no longer needed to collect taxes from its people, and only looked for payment in the provinces. Eventually, as time went on, the Romans went back to having to pay taxes. The Romans coins also was part of Rome 's economic system. Early on, the coin system consisted of lumps of bronze (A and other base metals. The Romans first true coin was the Aes Signatum. This coin was replaced by the Aes Grave. Overtime, the Romans developed more coins. The Romans economic system was great, and though it wasn’t as great as their army, their economic system had very little flaws and was a great part of their common goods, so I would give the Romans economic system an