Language: The Role Of Written Language In Knowledge

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What is the role of written language in knowledge? “The word is half his that speaks, and half his that hears it” (Michel de Montaigne, 1923-2006). Our understanding of the world depends to a large extent on the language with which we use to interact with it, therefore language making language play a big role in knowledge. However, the question of whether language has an equal role in the different areas of knowledge depends heavily on its level of contribution toward the understanding, practice, and development of that specific area of knowledge.
In the four areas of knowledge - science, math, history, and art - language is a medium by which theories are created and communicated. With that being said, language is a tool, similar to the to the air we breath, that surrounds us completely, of which we are rarely conscious of. Language has a tendency of being ambiguous and vague. Language has different roles in each area of knowledge; while it is indispensable to history and science, language is less important in math and art. …show more content…

History is intangible therefore making historical knowledge composed of words that represent historical concepts. History can be defined as a chronological record of events. Thus, the role of language in history is a significant factor. A historian’s task is to put together various written documents to form a comprehensive image of the past. However, since historical events are connected in causes, effects, and influences, different historians communicate their knowledge to establish evidence of the causes, effects, and influences of an event. To make these conclusions, historians must use another important tool - reason. Reason requires language because one must think in an organized group of words when considering different concepts and making