The Second Treatise Of Government And A Letter Concerning Toleration

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Rights of the People

The given material, both, seem to emphasize on the rights as we, the people, have. The case entitled study Pirates is mostly a online forum board dedicated to questions about computer hardware, there seems to be some animosity between the members in the chatting board, which deals directly with the rights to free speech and ownership. In the other hand, the chapter 5 “Of Property” from John Locke’s The Second Treatise of Government and A Letter Concerning Toleration is a list of sections from 25 to 51, that deal with the rights to possession. It is bible and law like style of language, describing how we came to be and the rights we should have according to what God commanded, so in a way it also deals with the right to …show more content…

Members of this online board, by the name of, were using derogatory names as way to express their feelings towards the previous answer. The problem seems to extend beyond right to free speech, because as the case name implies, it deal with piracy. The question want to make a copy of a cd, but is having technical problems. Some of the board members reply with suggestion that it could be legal right issue, and the cd is protected somehow. This brings ethical right issues into question. Does the CD belong to the questioner? And does he have any rights to reproduce it? Libertarianism would argue that the CD is in one’s possession and so is for person to decide what best serves the individual needs, it would than excludes the right of ethical duties create by philosopher Kant, which would mean that the rules should be followed, and reproducing a CD is against the law and will bring harm to those that have legal rights to the content being …show more content…

Sentences such as: “God gave the world to men in common;..and has given him in others to labour on…” (Locke, 2013). This seem to be in touch with Kant’s ideas of ethicals rights. From what I understood, it is directly related to it, because it gives great importance to the responsibilities one should carry, with the emphasis of taking from earth only what is needed, and whatever you obtain through your labor is your ultmost right of property. These duties described, gives the impression that it should be universalized, these are rules that everyone should follow to the best interest of all the people. Not only that, the way God, Adam and Noah are described implies the rights to freely speak in the language of one's religion and believes, but also mandates it to the extended of the law, otherwise one would be seen as “useless, as well as dishonest, to carve himself too much, or take more than needed” (Locke.