The Secret Law Of Attraction Analysis

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“The Secret” is simply the “law of attraction”. It means that if you want something and if you have faith, the universe will make it happen for you. A lot of the concept means if you focus on the object which is consuming your thoughts, it will eventually happen in your life. So all you have to do is think of all the things that you want in life rather than what you don’t want. By contrast, if you only envision the things you want in your life, then you will get everything you imagined. Rhonda Byrne (The author of the book) argues that the reason The Secret works is because ‘the Universe’ is made up of energy and it has a frequency. Your thoughts emit a lot of frequency, and like attracts like; therefore, the frequency of your thoughts, good …show more content…

F, my senior block warden, a fairly well-known composer and librettist, confided in me one day: "I would like to tell you something, Doctor. I have had a strange dream. A voice told me that I could wish for something, that I should only say what I wanted to know, and all my questions would be answered. What do you think I asked? That I would like to know when the war would be over for me. You know what I mean, Doctor—for me! I wanted to know when we, when our camp, would be liberated and our sufferings come to an end." "And when did you have this dream?" I asked. "In February, 1945," he answered. It was then the beginning of March. "What did your dream voice answer?" Furtively he whispered to me, "March thirtieth." When F told me about his dream, he was still full of hope and convinced that the voice of his dream would be right. But as the promised day drew nearer, the war news which reached our camp made it appear very unlikely that we would be free on the promised date. On March twenty-ninth, F suddenly became ill and ran a high temperature. On March thirtieth, the day his prophecy had told him that the war and suffering would be over for him, he became delirious and lost consciousness. On March thirty-first, he was dead. To all outward appearances, he had died of typhus. Those who know how close the connection is between the state of mind of a