The Semi-Barbaric King

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The semi-barbaric king had large, florid, untrammeled ideas. He was self-communing, and when he and him-self both agreed on something, that thing was done. The king also had a daughter who was quite like him. She had a strong, brave, handsome lover. This went on for many months, until one day the king discovered its existence. The lover was immediately cast into prison and had to choose one of two doors: one that held a beautiful lady and the other a vicious tiger. I believe the daughter of the king choose to tell her lover to pick the door with the beautiful lady. One reason for why I believe that the lady came out of the door is because the princess loved him too much to watch him die. On page 17, the author states,” Of course, everybody …show more content…

On page 17, the author states,” He saw, by that quick perception which is given to whose souls are one that she knew behind which door stood the lady and behind which door crouched a tiger. He had expected her to know it.” He knew that she had been told which door held what. He also expected her to tell him. That’s why I believe she picked the door with the lady. Another reason why I believe she picked the door with the lady is because she didn’t want to witness the brutal shredding and potential blood bath of her lover. On page 18, it states, “How often, in her waking hours and in her dreams, had she started in wild horror, and covered her face with her hands as she thought of her lover opening the door on the side that held the tiger.” She thought about the brutal shredding and all of that blood. She hated the thought of it. She couldn’t possibly choose the door with the tiger. In conclusion, to this day we still don’t know which door was chosen. We probably never will. But I believe that she told him the door with the lady because she loved him too much to let him die, her soul was one, and she thought about the brutal attack and she hated it. When the lover was cast into prison, he knew that the princess would know the content of each door. He automatically knew that she would know. That is why I believe that he semi-barbaric kings daughter chose the door with the beautiful