The Shack Book Report

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One single question that humans will wonder until they die, “Is God real”. This question seems to be answered for Mackenzie (Mack) Phillips in The Shack by William P. Young, a good friend of Mack’s. In this book Mack mysteriously receives a letter from someone he thinks is his father, who he doesn’t have a great relationship with, to a shack, where the last traces of Mack’s murdered daughter were found. Mack then has the most life changing experience ever and has his whole outlook on life flipped upside down :). In this journal I will be questioning, evaluating, and connecting. My first question about this book is how many other people have had real experiences with a religious figure. This book makes me really wonder if there is a God or not. Personally, I am not a very religious person, instead I find it more interesting to learn about religion than to put all my faith in one. Coming from that mentality really makes me wonder how much of these outer-life experiences are true. Mack didn’t believe it at first either, “There are times when you choose to believe something that …show more content…

No matter what really happened during his trip to the shack, I respect Mack for somehow finding sanity and closure with his daughter's death. The eventual outcome of this experience was valuable, “Learning from the clues the man had left himself to find Missy’s cave, authorities were able to locate and recover the bodies of the other little girls he had murdered” (Young 246). Coincidence or not the bodies of many murdered little girls were found and their parents were given some closure. Mack also was able to make amends in some way with his father by talking to a God named Papa. Papa guided most of this journey for Mack and connected with him as if he was his own father. Young certainly knows how to wrap up a story and make you feel united to each individual character with many I-can’t-believe-that-just-happened moments