The Shadow Of The Crescent Moon Summary

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Feminist language research in the 1970 focused on the question of male dominance and female deference in conversation. The year saw the publication of the three books that proved pivotal: (Lakoff, 1973) Language and Woman`s place, (Ritchie) Keys Male/Female Language and (Barrie Thorne, 1973) Language and sex: Difference and Dominance .The study of discourse and gender is an interdisciplinary endeavor shared by scholars in linguistics, anthropology, speech communication, social psychology, education, literature, and other disciplines. According to Deborah Tannen , the study of gender and discourse not only provides detailed account of male/female discourse but also reveals how language functions as a symbolic resource …show more content…

For this purpose, Sara Mill’s model (1995) of feminist stylistic analyses will be followed which works on the following three levels: 1- Word level: On this level the vocabulary things are investigated from the women 's viewpoint. It is seen that whether the things are specifically from the point of view of females. For instance, household vocabulary, weaving vocabulary, and sex-particular pronoun use. 2- Phrase/sentence level: On the second level, the focus is to analyze the expressions and sentences. Here it is checked that writer is attempting to uncover the negative meaning connected with language or invalidate the pre-suppositions and impedances of the instant expressions. For instance, while empowering a man it is said, "take care of business and face the catastrophes with bravery".3- Discourse level: At this level the attention is on expansive scale on the actual meaning and interpretation of the talk. Discourse analysis uncovers the deeply embedded meaning and ideas of the male-female talk within the text. As Sara Mills in her book says that the content is seen: “as something which is the negotiation of textual elements and codes and forces outside the text which influence both the way that the text is constructed and the way we decipher what is written.” (Mills, Feminist Stylistics, 1995).Secondly, Difference theory as postulated by Deborah Tannen deals with cross-gender communication, as males and female genders are often presented as being two separate cultures. Deborah Tannen`s book You Just Don’t Understand and the Difference Theory gained popularity because Tannen`s unique style in which she takes a neutral position in difference of genderlects and gender roles. Tannen identified six categories each of which pairs a contrasting use