The Short Happy Life Of Francis Macomber Essay

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Essay 3 Ernest Hemingway was a unique writer of his time. He was born and raised in Illinois. He wrote like people spoke. His writing style was simple and not detailed. He only mentioned details and repeated information only if it was important to the plot. He turned his experiences into stories. He would only write about the things he experienced. He based his characters on his family members or people he knew. He was honest and clear with his writing. In his story“The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber”, the reader can see how his family and experiences have shaped his life. Readers can see his personality and views though his main characters: Francis Macomber, Margot Macomber and Robert Wilson. Hemingway shows his personality through Wilson. Wilson is a man’s man, he is strong and he represents the ideal man. Wilson is a hunter and is describes as an outdoors man. Wilson also carries a …show more content…

Hemingway thought that his father Clarence Hemingway was weak. Francis Macomber represents his father. Francis and Clarence both had female names. He thought that weakness was feminine. He thought his father was a coward because he never stood up to his mother. ‘“Well,you’re a coward”’(Hemingway). In the story Francis is a coward because he could not kill a lion. In his mind Hemingway thought weakness equaled sickness. Francis said that he felt sick multiple times. Clarence could not control or confront his wife. Francis could not control his wife. When Francis tried to confront his wife he failed. Francis tried to confront Margot for having sex with Wilson. Francis has feminine traits; he argues like a woman and carres about the way he looks. He was a well dressed and was good looking. He played table sports. Hemingway who was a boxer thought table sports were not for real men. Clarence also killed himself which was an act of weakness. To not be in charge was weakness as both Clarence and Francis