The Similarities Between 'Head-On Cahit And Sibel's'

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The Cost of being Free
“Man is born free, but he is everywhere in chains.” A man is free to do everything as per his will, but then there are some cultural norms, social restrictions, and the destinies which have already been decided. All of these matters frankly chain the man and make him handicapped. The realities of the life confine him, and all his free will goes in vain.
Both the main characters of the movie, Head-on, Cahit and Sibel, two misplaced souls, are confined by the harsh, yet true realities of the life. Cahit and Sibel, while trying to survive and live, become the victims of the societal chains. For instance, when Sibel asks Cahit to marry her, she tries to break all the chains and to live freely. She does whatever she can, …show more content…

While taking the revenge of his father, Hamlet had to face the death of many people, including his loved ones. For instance, the death of Ophelia clearly portrays the helplessness. The words used in the play, I loved Ophelia: "forty thousand brothers, could not, with all their quantity of love, make up my sum” are the clear depiction of the helplessness of Hamlet. The similarity between “Head-on” and “The Hamlet” is that both Cahit and Hamlet were chained by their own feelings and actions. In the play, the revenge of Hamlet and his feelings led him to the death. He did whatever he could in order to avenge his father, which he did, eventually, but while doing so, he had to lose a lot, including his mother and …show more content…

He achieved what he aimed for, but lost a lot throughout the whole journey. Hamlet confronted his mother, but at the same time, he wanted to comfort her. The sad fact is that the royal couple actually ruined his faith in the humanity, and his fate dictated that he must despise. “I do not set my life at a pin’s fee.” Hamlet was also prescribed by his destiny, and his fate was also designed by his destiny. The theme of confinement prevails throughout the play. He did whatever was in his limits, but, was still imprisoned by the fate that had already his destiny.
Likewise, in the play “Oedipus the King”, the main message that the play portrayed was that no matter how much one try to run away from the fate, it always follows and even succeeds. The father of Oedipus, when found out that his own son was going to kill him, abandoned him, to prove the fate wrong. However, eventually, the fate won, and his own son actually killed him. Moreover, the mother, as well as the wife of Oedipus, tried to ignore the painful truth, but the truth eventually revealed, and there was nothing anybody could do about it including Oedipus, the

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