The Similarities Between Shia And Sunni Are That They Worship The Same God, Allah

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The similarities between Shia and Sunni are that they worship the same God, Allah. They also believe in the Prophet. They both believe in the Quran as their Bible. Ali is considered their fourth Caliph for the Sunnis and for the Shi’a is the first Imam. The differences between Shi’a and Sunni are the Shi’a believe that Muhammad agreeably ordain his cousin and son in law, Ali, in agreement with God’s authority. Shi’a also believes in a ongoing sequence of heirs amongst the children of Ali. The Shi’a is not accepting of the three Caliphs. The Sunni is the original Islam. They follow the Sunnah, which is the teaching of Muhammad and they are taught by the readings of the Quran. The Sunni follow Muhammad only. The Sunni brothers follow the four