The Six Pillars Of Character

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Question 1 Analyze the behavior of each party from the perspective of the Six Pillars of Character. Assess the personal responsibility of Ed Giles and Susan Regas for the relationship that developed between them. Who do you think is mostly to blame? I think Ed Giles and Susan Regas are both to blame as they failed from the perspective of trustworthiness (honesty, integrity), responsibility and citizenship. As CPA, Partner, and senior accountant, they were fully aware that their relationship was inappropriate, forbidden and against company policy. Not only are they jeopardizing their jobs if found out but also their honesty and integrity as trust will become an issue and not only for them but also for the firm. They were dishonest and did not adhere to the firm’s policy, neither did they perform or behave as ’good citizens’ but rather neglected their responsibilities as accounting professionals knowing that if their relationship was discovered, could cause damaged reputations and bring discredit to them and the firm (Anthony Atkinson, Robert Kaplan, Ella Mae Matsumura and S Young, 2011). In addition, Ed Giles CPA and Partner, is not acting with integrity and honesty as he encouraged Regas in the relationship and even got angry when she tried to end the affair. However, Regas is also to blame as she knows that such a relationship as theirs is forbidden by management yet got involved and continued seeing Giles. Added to that, both did not act responsible, nor