The Sixth Extinction Elizabeth Morbert Analysis

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Abha Joshi
A.P. Environmental Science
The journey that is evolution has always been a deep interest of mine. The Earth and the evolution of its organism had grabbed my attention years ago. I’ve always found evolution as topic that has yet to be fully unraveled. These feelings are what drove me to read The Sixth Extinction, by Elizabeth Kolbert. As I read this book, I learned quite a lot about the Earth's past, present and future. Most importantly, I realized that the Earth needs our help to conserve and protect its lifeforms. This novel was essentially factual, there wasn’t any relatability in terms of events or experiences the characters had gone through. I did, however, extremely relate to Kolbert's views as to how the world is changing and how humans are playing a role in that change. First and foremost, I completely agree with what Kolbert ascertained, that humans are playing a huge role in introducing invasive species in various places and driving the native species to extinction. This idea can be seen with her research with Panamanian frogs. Kolbert derives that a Chytrid fungi is what was endangering all the frogs. She …show more content…

By talking about actions (or organisms) like invasive species, climate change, CO2 emissions, and habitat fragmentation, Kolbert argues that these heavily human driven deeds are causing a negative impact on the species around us. Due to these occurrences and many more, humans have put the Earth in a dangerous position. Thankfully, there are actions that can be taken to save our planet, but we need to get started now. These actions lead up to very extreme, which includes tampering with our atmosphere or even building new civilizations on other planets or the moon. However crazy these actions may seem, it's unreal to think that us humans have caused the problem that is leading to these drastic