The Skylab Incident In The Movie, When Worlds Collide

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April of 1979 was the end of the projects not being so bad, the kids at Emmett Belknap Junior High, told me just how bad it was to live in the projects, and the garden street low-income housing began to suck. Nineteen Seventy Nine was also the year that the earth watched, and speculated helplessly as Skylab fell onto our planet. I remember imagining that I was a fighter pilot flying my x-winged fighter into space and firing two clean shots and blasting Skylab out of the Earth 's path. The Skylab incident reminded me of the movie “When Worlds Collide,” in the time that existed before cable and satellite TV, if I stayed up late enough, every now and then, I would catch classics movies like that one and “The Tingler”.I watched a lot of 1950 movies