The Sociable Sand Witch By Tl Sappington

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I chose to reproduce The Sociable Sand Witch. The book is very rare, and is no longer in print. My brother and I have been searching for a copy for all three of us for years. The author name is T. L. Sappington. This book was a gift to my mother when she was a girl. My mother used to read it to my oldest brother when he was young, and then to my middle brother and I before naptime. My brother and I drifted off to sleep with the tales of the Sand Witch, The Fountain of Riches, The Snooping Bug and seven other fantastic stories. Among each adventure, a hidden moral lesson was to be learned. When my children were, young I read them these wonderful tales to them, and it was as if my mom were there to share them. Sadly, I did not read them as often