
The Soldiers Truth Essay

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The Soldiers Truth In the poem “Dulce et Decorum Est” by Wilfred Owen it shows the realistic side of war, and how it has been over romanticized dying for one’s country. Wilfred Owen who died right before the war ended used his personal experience to express the hardship of going through war. The title of the poem “Dulce et Decorum Est” is in Latin, this gives background on where the war is happening. The title translated from Latin to English is “it is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country” having this be the title gives insight into what the poem will be about, which is how war is. In the poem the persona is Wilfred Owen, who fought in the war. This gives the readers a real perspective on the war and what it is like to be the soldier. …show more content…

Since just going through war, he felt that throughout history war has been a romanticized and said to be heroic. It has been said that it is something a man should do for his country and made out to be something sweet and honorable. While going through war Owen faced the true challenges and realized how miss leading it can be. Little is war brought into this real light of having to watch good people die and then later in life having to suffer from PTSD. Owen whole point is that war is something that is horrific and before going into the danger there needs to be real talks about the consequences. In the poem “Dulce et Decorum Est” by Wilfred Owen shows how war has been labeled as sweet and fitting but shows what it is truly like to be a soldier. He does this from having personal experiences of going through war to expose the truth about war. His use of Italian sonnets into an English sonnet clearing show the true struggles of being a soldier. He uses strong diction to explain the truth of how hard it is to be in war. Throughout the poem the rhyme scheme feels just like war itself. The poem gives perfect insight into the world of being in a war and shows the consequences of sugar coating the war. Owen main point is that war is chaotic and something that should not be talked about

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