The Soul Of Caliban Essay

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Lemony Snicket once stated, “Assumptions are dangerous things to make, and like all dangerous things to make -- bombs, for instance, or strawberry shortcake -- if you make even the tiniest mistake you can find yourself in terrible trouble.” In the story, The Soul of Caliban, Leon 's wife was always making assumptions about Caliban, leading Leon to judge Caliban and then regretting listening to his wife 's assumption. I think this quote proves that once you assume things, bad things can lead to happen. Throughout Emma - Lindsay Squier’s story, “The Soul of Caliban,” it 's clear that assumptions lead to judgments which then leads to regret.

One example to not judge someone unless you know the whole story is in the beginning of the book when a man was judging Caliban by his looks. “Not a dog,” Emma-Lindsay Squier wrote, “but a poor imprisoned monster, ugly, deformed, and very wicked, yet somehow pitiful” (10). In this part of the story, this man proclaimed that no animals had a soul. Yet French Louie didn 't believe him because he knew of a dog named Caliban that had a soul. The man told Louie how Caliban was so ugly that there was no way he could …show more content…

Don 't make assumptions and judge someone or else you could regret it is a major theme throughout “The Soul of Caliban” by Emma - Lindsay Squier. The theme was proven throughout the story by a man saying Caliban had no soul because he was ugly, when the kitten didn’t judge Caliban, and when Leon and Amelie left the baby home alone with Caliban and Amelie made a bad assumption. This story perfectly fits Lemony Snicket’s quote of how assumptions are dangerous things and the tiniest mistakes can lead to trouble. Leon’s wife, Amelie, was always assuming the worst out of Caliban, leading Leon to judge him. From that, Leon would punish Caliban like he did when he shot him, and then Leon was full of regret. So I think the author clearly wanted us to make sure we don’t make the wrong judgements so we won’t live a life