The Soul Substance Experiment: Bad Science

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The Soul Substance experiment was bad science because many errors were made and it greatly affected the results and the credibility of the experiment. Scientist Duncan MacDougall's results were inconsistent, the sample size was too small and he tried to prove his argument instead of disproving it, this demonstrates how the soul substance experiment was bad science. The results from this experiment were very inconsistent, therefore it is very hard to create a solid conclusion from this experiment. On lines 70, 71, 81, 82, 83 and 84 The article talks about results from his experiment. The results vary greatly, one person's soul went immediately from the body and others came out in pieces. There is no explanation for it and that makes the results very hard to understand. On lines 113 and 114, the scientist talks about how we did the same experiment with dogs and he got very different results. He found that none of the dogs weights changed after they died. This is poor science because he doesn't have enough consistent evidence to make a valid point. All of his results were very different from each other and this shows that the results were not consistent to prove a point. …show more content…

According to lines 85 and 95, only six people were tested on and two out of the six people tested did not count because there was an error made while experimenting. Only four people were used to prove his point that is not enough for he's beliefs to become a common, Predictable and provable result. This is poor science because the sample size is too small, maybe these results are specific to only these four people and you would get different results if you tested it on