The Spheres Of Hell In The Purgatory

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Through the reading of the Purgatory, the epic is clear that there is a lot of description of the spheres of hell, who is punished there, and what their punishment is. As I was reading the assignment, the farther I read, the ‘worse’ the sin got. This being said, the farther down the spheres you went, the sins seemed to get worse. For example, the first sphere was for those who did not believe in God or who did not get baptized, but still believed in Christ. “They blasphemed God, their parents, the human race, the place, the time, the seed of their begetting and their birth” (Cantos III: 103-105). I feel like Dante chose to present this one first and as one of the ‘minor’ sins because those who did not believe in God, don’t know the sins that