The Storm By Kate Chopin Literary Analysis

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“The Storm” by Kate Chopin is a deeply romantic and sensual short story written ahead of its time that details a passionate flame between two past lovers that rekindles with the passing of a storm. Set in rustic and bucolic Louisiana, Chopin introduces the reader to two past lovers Calixta who is married and with a three-year-old child, and to Alce Laballire, also married and with children. The storm brings them together and seems to be a character by itself, playing a major part in the short story. Just as storm takes the characters in the story by surprise, the impulsive storm of sexual gratification takes her by surprise. Most importantly, the storm is a metaphor and character that functions to help the reader better understand the passion between Calixta and Alce that is as uncontrollable and powerful as the torrents of rain and blinding lightning. The metaphor “The Storm” reflects on Calixta’s underlying sexual urge, which resulted in her poor marital relationship with her husband. The storm becomes more intense and powerful with Calixta’s actions throughout the reading, which perhaps leads to the mysterious ending. The story begins with Bobint and Bibi, Calixta’s husband and three-year-old son, at a store probably far from home with the storm brewing in the background. Bobint points to the passing “sombre clouds that …show more content…

The storm seems to be a character in itself, its characteristics being those of any other storm. However, it seems to be an omnipresent force, it brings Calixta and Alce together almost perfectly as if by fate and pushes him into Calixta’s home. The lightning of the storm makes Calixta jump into Alce’s arms and initiates the sexual encounter. Chopin uses the storm as a metaphor and for a passion and lust that seems to be as powerful and uncontrollable as swollen rain drops, blustering wind, and blinding lightning