Routine Processes In Sophocles Antigone

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When one refers to Antigone by Sophocles, there are numerous occurrences of interruptions and violent actions which interrupt the routine processes. The text itself begins with the first prologue scene, where Ismene, Antigones ' sister and Antigone are having a conversation with one another. Antigone tells Ismene about her ideas and thoughts which she intends to do, she then tells Ismene to join her when she has to bury their brother, Polyneices. Antigone is thinking of breaking the law and going against the state, which is King Creon. In her mind she has already broken the law, but she thinks beyond her crime into the interrupting Creon 's law and preparing herself for the punishment ahead.

Antigone is willing to go against the norm because she believes it would ease her conscience and reveal what is just, however this act is violent in itself (Arendt 1969:75). This reveals the struggle between the individual (Antigone) and the state (Creon). Benjamin states above that thoughts are fragments, which carry the relationship between thought and action (1968: 50). This is clear to see that Windston and John’s previous lives come in fragments, it is disconnected from one another, but they can relate to each other. John is to be released at the end of his third year of incarceration, leading to the end of …show more content…

Antigone 's thoughts are violently acknowledged to move the play forward, her decisions show how the law is unruly and unjust in governing the people. Sophocles uses the act of burial as a metaphor that is a tool of violence. Referring back to this particular scene, we understand that Ismene pleads with Antigone to also think of the dangers ahead but she refuses to listen to her (Sophocles [sa]:35). The act of thinking is known to be violent, just as stated previously, but it can bring about transformation and progression because it can bring change (Arendt