The Successes And Failures Of The Space Race

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Ethan Justesen Ms. Nalazek 5/19/23 English 9c The successes and failures of the Space Race. “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”(Armstrong). Niel Armstrong said he was the first man to set foot on the moon and this is what he had to say about the competition called the Space Race. The Space Race was a competition between the Soviet Union and America. The competition started during the cold war but eventually progressed from America and the Soviet Union building nukes and trying to advance and beat their opponent to the moon. The Space Race occurred between the Soviet Union and America. The objective of the Space Race was to put the first man on the moon and to be the first country to do it. The Space Race first started …show more content…

The Space Race conceded to grant unlimited possibilities in the technological field, this includes computers and the tools needed to use a computer. The Space Race also encouraged the betterment of medical equipment and the medical skill that doctors now have that is so important to saving lives in the United States today. Without the medical knowledge, we received from the Space Race are constantly saving lives and discovering how to stop the spread of new and old illnesses. Not only did the medical advancements benefit the United States but also in other places around the world even the Union Soviet Socialist Republic which the United States where in competition with. The Space Race was also responsible for the success of scientific inventions these inventions are solar panels, firefighter equipment, water filtration, shock absorbers, air purifiers, home insulation, weather-resistant airplanes, and infrared thermometers. The reason that the Space Race is so important is that without the Space Race, the United States and other countries included would not have the knowledge we have knowledge of space and the planet that humans live on without the inventions of the Space Race the world would not have many things that we depend on daily. The outcomes of the space race have led scientists to finally reach out and explore other planets in our solar system and even farther. One people can learn from the Space Race is to be peaceful in times of scientific exploration and turning points but that rivaling countries should come together and work with one another instead of trying to show up to one