The Symbolism Of Rams In Ancient Egyptian Mythology

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Rams, seen as a symbol of fertility, were identified with various gods, notably Khnum, a creator god, and Amun, the great god of the city of Thebes. Ram-headed sphinxes flank the entrance to the temple of Amun at Thebes.
The bodies of some rams were mummified and equipped with gilded masks and even jewellery.
Egyptians created myths about the gods rising the earth from the waters of Nun and chaos.
They believe there was one creator god called Atum
Gods of the Egyptians: Atum the creator, Geb god of earth, Nut goddess of the sky, Osiris god of farming and ruler of the underworld, Seth ruler of storms, Horus son of Osiris,Sekhmet goddess of war, Anubis lord of the graveyard, Amen king of the gods, Re the old sun god
The pharaoh had to be invited