Identity In The Sympathizer

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The Sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen opens with the Narrator introducing himself as "a spy, a sleeper, a spook a man of two faces" and "a man of two minds" (Nguyen, 1). The introductory characteristic used for the narrator is “spy,” indicating that it is the most important aspect of his identity. Throughout the book, the Narrator also refers to himself as a bastard and brings up his muddled heritage. These characteristics allow him to be "a man of two faces" and "a man of two minds" (1). The Narrator's enhanced ability as a spy stems from his split identity regarding his familial and national heritage. The Narrator's enhanced ability as a spy originates from his split familial identity. The Narrator has split familial identity because he was born out of wedlock and is a bastard. His bastardy allows him to …show more content…

This stood for Government Issue, which is also what the Amerasians are" (21). This exemplifies that because of his mixed heritage, the Narrator can pass as an American. His passing allows for him to be able to spy on the American side while in Vietnam. However, once in America, the Narrator and those he fought beside feel exiled: “Saigon time was fourteen hours off, although if one judged time by this clock, it was we who were fourteen hours off. Refugee, exile, immigrant—whatever species of displaced human we were, we did not simply live in two cultures, as celebrants of the great American melting pot imagined. Displaced people also lived in two time zones, the here and the there, the present and the past, being as we were reluctant time travelers” (199). This exclusion allows him to connect with the opposing side. By connecting with them more, the Narrator becomes more trusted, for example, he convinces the General that the Major is the spy. This trust also causes people to not suspect him being the