
The Teenager's Guide To The Real World By Brain

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According to Hardy (2013) stated that nowadays more and more teenagers would like to ask, “Why is a high school important?”. Based on a book “The Teenager’s Guide to the Real World” by Brain, education is the major key in obtaining a good job. It is reported that what a person knows determines what they earn in today’s job market and the more knowledge they have, the higher the chances of getting better jobs. As a common rule, to achieve most of the valuable skill it takes the longer time to learn and study. Such as commercial pilot, lawyer, doctor takes above six to even more years to accumulate the times and pass all the tests to achieve and success. A young person which is between 13 and 19 years old are defined as a teenager. Brain (1997) …show more content…

Wang, Kong, Shan and Vong (2010) state that school life, family relationships and social support network including as social life. School life involve getting students to join any school associations and clubs, participating in any extracurricular activities or do any voluntary work in school. Family relationships on the other hand is considered as by asking the students how close they feel to their mothers or fathers. Students’ social support network is measured by asking students to select people with whom they can share happiness or sadness from a list of categories including parents, siblings, lovers classmates, colleagues, friends and others, with a large number indicating that their social support networks are more diversified. Some scholars argue that part time employment deprives students of a full filling university experience (Curtis 2007), in the sense that working students are significantly less likely to participate in extracurricular activities (D’Amico 1984; Taylor and Smith 1998; Warren 2002), university societies (Humphrey 2006), volunteering (Silver and Silver 1997) and sporting activities (Humphrey and McCarthy 1998; Humphrey 2006). As a result, working students are deprived of the chance to add to the cultural and social capital they can gain through participating in extracurricular activities (Humphrey 2006). In sum, most findings related to the impact of part time jobs on school life are

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