The Tell Tale Heart And Click Clack The Rattlebag By Edgar Allan Poe

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Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Tell Tale Heart” and “Click Clack The Rattlebag” by Neil Gaiman demonstrate a creepy and tense mood. “The Tell Tale Heart” follows a mad man who commits murder and tries to explain it away throughout the passage. “Click Clack The Rattlebag” is about a teen that is watching a child and discusses a spooky story while the teen unknowingly leads to his demise. Poe and Gaiman effectively communicate through the pacing, and the sound imagery to contribute to the overall creepy and suspenseful mood. Poe’s writing throughout “The Tell Tale Heart” supports the idea that the perspective is one of a psychotic mind. The choice of writing patterns, or lack thereof, demonstrates the eeriness of the story by showing the panicked nature