The Tempest Servitude

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Shakespeare’s The Tempest, discloses on various acts of slavery and servitude that is still brought out in our current generation. Peter Walker issues an article about, "Briton Who Made Wife Live like Slave Is First to Be Jailed for Domestic Servitude". The topic of slavery and servitude occurs in all prospects of humanity, with no one to prevent it from happening, nor have there been any signs of change. The play and real-life situation both reveal acts of slavery, the greed for freedom and honor. Many people issue slavery as a minor worry, but they are not aware of the reality that people suffer from being controlled as one.
There seems to be no end to slavery throughout the world because every day, there will be a new situation relating …show more content…

In the Tempest, there has been many cases that interconnect slavery, and one of them being the relationship between Sycorax and Ariel. The fact that she makes him her …show more content…

Europeans depict women as weaklings, so they tend to view them as “disgusting” (Walker 2). Sycorax is a prime example of this set image. The reality that Sycorax is kicked out of her home because she wants to learn, shows that women in that era were shown no respect and they still are not. Caliban utters, “This island’s mine by Sycorax” (i.ii.332), in which represents that his mother was the owner, but shown no respect, Prospero takes over. Comparably, Iram can relate to Sycorax, because according to the article, Iram was treated as a “prisoner” (Walker). The incidents Iram face are dreadful to know that it is her own husband treating her with such disrespect. Woolwich Crown Court was informed she came “For an arranged marriage” and “initially high hopes” (Walker 2), but Iram wasn’t aware of the sacrifices she lets down when she stayed with him. Iram hoped for a happy life with the Briton, but he explains the situation as, “Her taking care of his mother and family” (Walker 2). All he wants is for her to work and carry out the role of a regular “housewife”, as he assumes that’s all she is capable of doing.
Slavery and servitude both tend to bring out topics in relation to captivity, independence, and reverence. From the 1500’s to 2000’s, why has no one stood up to make a change? We see that slavery and servitude both take place in literature and real-life situations. There are many who are abused, commanded and envisioned as ghosts. Kevin Bales quotes, “Its as if all