The world is like a vampire. In a digital space of our modern society, humans can effortlessly adopt alternative identities behind screens unlike their true selves. In a similar sense vampires cloak their existence by blending into society during the day time, concealing their fangs and supernatural abilities. Both as humans and vampires we exist under our respective veils of anonymity, whether that be an intention of malicious hate online or satisfying primal needs. Although we both engage in harmful action towards others, there is an underlying aspect which unites humans and such life draining beings. A fundamental fear of exposure. The idea of exploiting anonymity is enquired on Derren Brown’s show ‘The Experiment’, where audience members for a game show are asked to wear anonymous masks and dictate the ongoing fate of an unsuspectingly filmed member of the public. The show takes a look at the emergence in the horrors of human cruelty and manipulation, where a mask is used to conceal one's individuality. Like the masks worn by the audience we hide behind our screen placing a barrier between our identity and actions as an individual. I question the motivation of such behaviour? …show more content…
How far do our individual sadistic tendencies truly go? Perhaps, the security in the idea of ‘safety in numbers’ allows people to dismiss the correlation of action associated with a consequence. It makes us question whether the mentality behind such behaviours will change when unprotected by a screen of digital lies. But is this always the