The Theme Of Courage In Bridge To Terabithia

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In Bridge to Terabithia there are a lot of different forms of courage. Courage is just the ability to do something that someone else can't or is scared of. In every crevice of bridge to terabithia there are different themes of courage. Like the courage to stand up for others, the courage to be yourself and probably the hardest one, the courage to handle loss. Something you notice is that Leslie has all of these courage types. She teaches these types of courage to Jess which changes him. In Bridge to Terabithia Kathrine Patterson expresses many different types of courage that change people throughout the story. One of the biggest parts of the story is the courage to stand up for yourself or stand up for others. As Leslie came into the school and no one knew her but she was still always willing to stand up for others and to stand up for herself. When she realized that Janice Avery was a bully she immediately sat in her seat on the bus before Jess pulled her out. Leslie and Jess later stood up for themselves tricking janice avery making her think her crush likes her. Leslie's courage is great to have since she has a good amount of it but doesn't use it for anything bad. Even though it seems like they use it for bad when they trick Janice Avery, they end up becoming friends with her and overall make her a better person. …show more content…

Leslie comes into a new town and school with courage expressing herself and not caring what anybody thinks about her. She is the only one in the story that truly has this courage but she tries to teach Jess how to express himself like her. She tells him to pursue his art hobby no matter if his dad would be mad or not. Mrs Edmunds also helps teach Jess that courage by taking him to the national gallery so he would pursue his art. Over the story Leslie teaches Jess how to have a fraction of a courage but it still really helps him in his