The Theme Of Friendship In John Steinbeck's 'Of Mice And Men'

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Of mice and men essay
Do you want to know why Lennie and George became great friends in Of Mice and Men, well I’ll tell you. In John Steinbeck’s of mice and men some points of friendship are that George and Lennie take care of each other. Also George and Lennie support one another in endeavoring after their shared dream. Lastly George and Lennie make sacrifices for each other and are responsible for each other. I’m trying to prove that George and Lennie’s relationship show us the true meaning of friendship.

George and Lennie are great friends because they take care of each other. “But not us and why because I’ve got you and I’ve got you and you’ve got me and that’s why” (Steinbeck 14). This outlines to the topic sentence because they’re saying …show more content…

“I was only foolin George. I don’t want no ketchup, I wouldn’t eat no ketchup if it was right here beside me, I would give all of the ketchup to you George” (12). This shows that Lennie would give up the ketchup to make George happy. He also says that he would give George the ketchup to make George happy. “Tell you what I’ll do, Lennie, first chance I get, I’ll give you a pup”(13). George is prepared to spend his money to make George happy. George is also inclined to let Lennie have a little responsibility to make him happy. ”when his aunt Clara died, Lennie just came along with me out working” (40). This shows that George is disposed to give his whole life to help Lennie. This also shows that George is prepared to take care of him even if he gets in trouble. All of these quotes prove that George and Lennie care about each other and make sacrifices for each other.

The true meaning of friendship in of mice and men is shown by George and Lennie’s relationship. The first support point is that George and are really good friends because they take care of each. They support one another in endeavoring they’re dream. Lastly they make sacrifices and are responsible for each other. What do you think the other characters in of mice and men could do to become as good of friends with others like George and