The Theme Of High School Sports Should Be Coed

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The concept of Equality is identified as something the human species has always strived for. In many literary works it is viewed as the main topic or is included in the theme. For example, in the book Animal Farm, the short story “Harrison Bergeron,” and the opinionated essay “High School Teams Should Be Coed” are all familiar with equality, but not in the way most would assume. Instead of the widespread theme being equality is the answer to our problems, the theme is that there is no such element as total equality. This theme is portrayed in all three works using different and similar methods. Throughout all three works, the book, the short story, and the essay, the theme is expressed. In the essay, “High School Teams Should Be Coed” the …show more content…

The quotes expressed earlier allow us to see that equality will not last forever. When a society seems equal, there is only so much time before someone finds something wrong. Men and women were considered equal until someone found something to nitpick, in this case sports. Within human nature, it is natural to feel jealous; it leads humans to make decisions to curb their jealousy. If everyone is considered equal there is only so much time before they get scared to lose something, so they fight for it. Therefore, the opinionated essay, “High School Sports Should be Coed” shows how there is no such element as total equality. There will always be something that human nature can …show more content…

Those smarter have listening devices that release a different sound periodically to stop their thoughts, those stronger are weighed down with buckshot, those prettier wear bags over their faces, those that sound better must force their voices to be worse. All these rules lead one individual to rebel. This individual is one of the strongest, fastest, smartest, and most talented people in society, but he does not want to hide himself. This person is named Harrison Bergeron. He removes his handicaps because he is tired of being treated differently. Within the story Vonnegut gives Harrison the phrase, “Even as I stand here... crippled, hobbled, sickened --- I am a greater ruler than any man who ever lived! Now watch me become what I can become” (line 55). The people in their society are not handicapped to becoming equal, they are handicapped to become the same. Those in charge believe that equality cannot be achieved so they strive for the next to best, sameness. Supplying us with the universal theme that there is element as total