The Theme Of Love In Eudora Welty's To Lucasta

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“To Lucasta” by Richard Lovelace is one of the greatest lyric poems in which the protagonist (young man) explains to his beloved wife why he intends to leave her for a moment and go fight for the country. The core theme of Love is supported by issues of duty and honor in the society. The speaker in the poem explicitly expresses his love and adoration for Lucasta. This is evident through the use of love related words such as “sweet”, “adore”, “embrace” and “dear”. Two types of love are well evident; one is love for understanding that he is honored, and the other is love for the woman in his life.
On the other hand, the theme of love is also well presented in the Story “A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty. Love them in this story is supplemented by …show more content…

For example, they both reflect a form of sacrifice, perseverance, and determination of the characters to show love for a given individual. For example, the young man in “To Lucasta” shows the honor he has for his job and the love he has for the country that prompts him to leave his beloved ones to go to war. One aspect of love present here is; the young man is ready to sacrifice his beloved and self-needs to protect the country. The second instance is where the speaker asks his “beloved” not to have a negative or harsh thought about his journey to the war zone. The emotional questions show how deeply he loves his “beloved” but has no option rather than leave to the war zones. In this scene, the author brings in the issue of struggle in life to show love to the society or loved ones.
The same issue is present in “A Worn Path”, the theme of love is achieved after the “giver” expresses the challenges and struggles in his or her life. For example, Phoenix Jackson must struggle through long and sacrificial dangerous paths to show her love and care for her grandson. Similarly, she must suffer regardless of her old age to defend and reserve the life of the ill child. Basically, both authors use struggle and determination to showcase how the love between individual in the society is