The Theme Of Love In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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Have you ever read a love story before? Well, according to writer Harper Lee, her book To Kill a Mockingbird is a love story. When people first read the book, they would never in a million years have thought that it would be a love story. However, after you finish To Kill a Mockingbird and read it over a couple of times, you will soon realize that she was right to call her story a love story. Although it is not your typical love of kisses, it has a different type of love, which the Greeks call philia love, the love in deep friendships; storge love, the love of a parent and their child, and vice versa; and finally, agape love," the highest level of love, in which you love someone no matter what. When you consider these types of love, you know …show more content…

We can see the strong love, the love of a parent and their child, in Atticus and Scout. There are many examples of their love for each other in the book, but the best example of the story's love is Scout's reaction when her cousin Francis calls Atticus a n***** lover. When Francis called Atticus a n*****, Scout was ready to knock him out because she couldn't hate the fact that her father was getting ridiculed by him. Out of Scout’s love and respect for Atticus, Scout would have fought Francis. In the book, Harper Lee writes," This time, I split my knuckle to the bone on his front teeth. With my left arm impaired, I sailed in with my right, but not for long. Uncle Jack pinned my arms to my sides and said," Stand still" (96 Lee). This shows that the strong love between Scout and Atticus is so strong that Scout was willing to hit Francis over what he had said. This is a very good example of storage love because Scout is prepared to get into a lot of trouble by hitting Francis because Atticus had said not to get into any fights just because of what people say about him, and he would wear her out if this did happen. And to double the consequences, she would get in trouble with her uncle and aunt. She is willing to risk this all to defend Atticus because her love and respect for Atticus run so deep that Scout would do anything to protect Atticus’s image, and Atticus would most likely do the same for Scout, …show more content…

Agape love is like God-level love because you love all people equally no matter what they have done to you, and the relationship between Atticus and Mrs. Dubos is the perfect example of this. Mrs. Dubos clearly hates Atticus for defending Tom Robinson and is screaming hateful words toward him. Atticus remains calm and polite to Mrs. Dubos, as if Mrs. Dubose is Atticus’s best friend, even while getting called terrible names behind his back and even straight to his face. Even with all of this anger towards him, Atticus remains calm and respectful. In the book, Scout describes Atticus’s actions when talking to Miss Dubose: " Atticus would sweep off his hat, wave gallantly to her, and say, "Good evening, Mrs. Dubose. You look like a picture this evening." (115 Lee). The reader can see that when coming across Mrs. Dubose’s house, Atticus is very respectful to Mrs. Dubos. He is very respectful to her, even when he is fully aware of what she calls him. The reason for this is that Atticus is the type of person who will love someone no matter what. He thinks that all people have kindness in their hearts, and Atticus has respect for everyone, even when a person is being disrespectful to him. This is the peak of agape love, which is known as "God love because God loves everyone equally. From this example, we can see the agape love of Atticus, who loves Mrs. Dubos unconditionally. Having agape love is extremely hard,