The Theme Of Nightjohn By Gary Paulsen

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In Nightjohn by Gary Paulsen, the theme is to be careful with risk taking. There are many characters who expressed this theme. These include, Sarny, Mammy, and Nightjohn. Primarily, Sarny took the risk in learning. Paulsen stated “But we weren’t allowed to be reading. We weren’t allowed to understand or read nothing…” (Paulsen 35). Sarny was explaining that she wasn’t permitted to read or write. However, Sarny takes the risk. Meanwhile, she must be careful in order to keep on learning without getting caught. In addition, Mammy also had to be careful when risk taking. Paulsen stated “‘You going to tell me who’s teaching them to read?’...‘I don’t know nothing about reading or writing.’ ‘God damn you.’” (Paulsen 70). Mammy took the risk of hiding

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