The Three Major Details Of Christianity

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Details of Christianity: Christianity has three major denominations; Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Protestant. For this report I will focus mainly on one of theses denominations, Catholics. Catholics believe in life after death, or the afterlife. They believe that there is Heaven, Hell and Purgatory. Catholics also have important and certain customs when a person dies. Once a Catholic is dying or sick, they receive a thing called the last rites from a priest. The last rites are the last prayers and ministrations given to the Catholics whilst dying or sick. When this process happens it is called the Anointing of the sick. The process that takes place during the Anointing of the sick is the priest anoints the sick or dying person’s forehead …show more content…

Their soul lives on for the rest of eternity. It is also significant as they believe that as their family starts to die around them, they know that they will one day see them again in the afterlife. Catholics Details of Buddhism: Unlike Catholics, Buddhists do not believe in the afterlife. They believe in being reborn after death. Instead of using the word death, Buddhists prefer the term ‘passing on’ as they do not believe in death. Instead they believe in passing on to another realm. They see passion on as an inevitable part of their spiritual journey. When Buddhists are sick they like to have monks around them chanting blessings. This calms them and helps them prepare for their rebirth. Mahayana Buddhists believe that there is an interval between passing on and the rebirth. Therefore, they recommend that no one touch the body for three days after passing. They can either be cremated or buried when they pass on. However, most Buddhists are usually cremated. At their grave monks recite the three Jewels, the five precepts and read from Buddhist scriptures. Key