The Three Most Common Reasons Why We Have Dreams

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There are many reasons why we have dreams, the three most common reasons are that our dreams are a coping mechanism, it is our brain's way of working through daily issues, or random brain pulses.
Dealing with daily issues goes along with repressed logging. Repressed longing is “the desires that we aren’t able to express in a social setting. Dreams allow the unconscious mind to act out those thoughts and desires.” This could also be a coping mechanism.
Random electrical brain pulses pull imagery from traces of experiences stored in our memory. On the site, How stuff works it said “They hypothesize that these images don’t form stories that we remember as our dreams. Instead, our waking minds try to make sense of the imagery, so we create …show more content…

In stage one we are in light sleep, muscle activity slows, and there are often muscle twitches. Stage two breathing and rate slows, body temperature drops. We enter a deep sleep in stage three ,and the brain starts to generates delta waves . By stage four we are in an even deeper sleep,there is limited muscle movement, and the brain has produced delta waves. In Stage five we enter the REM cycle. Rem stands for rapid eye movement. During Stage five Brain waves speed up and dreaming begins. Muscles relax, heart rate increases. Breathing is shallow and rapid. Found on the site, “Huffington Post ”, it says “REM is the sleep period considered most favorable for ordinary dreaming.For most adults, REM sleep occurs every 90 minutes. The first cycle starts out as short as three minutes, but the duration increases with each cycle, so by early morning, the last cycle can last up to 55 minutes”. On Lifehacks of Dreaming it stated “In the state of REM (rapid-eye-movement) stage of your sleep your body is normally paralyzed. In rare cases, however, people act out their dreams. These have resulted in broken arms, legs, broken furniture, and in at least one reported case, a house burnt down.” So basically if you are known for kicking in your sleep it is just you acting out your dream. An interesting fact about stage five is During REM sleep brain levels increase to level it is when awake or even