Crime And Punishment Essay

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Crime and Punishment:
Sonya, Svidrigailov, and Lebezyatnikov represent three sides of Raskolnikov. How? Which sides?
In his novel Crime and Punishment, famouse Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky aimed at solving an important psychological and moral issue sounded like to show people the failure of empty and fabled theories, as well as reveal their dangerous and destructive force. It was the theory that became the idea of the main character of the work, Rodion Raskolnikov, who decided that a strong person has the right to ignore the laws of conscience and morality to achieve his/her goal.
The Raskolnikov 's purpose was noble: to retrieve his relatives, in particular, mother and sister, from humiliation and death. But here again we are facing with one of the enternal questions: does the end justify the means? Thus, step by step Dostoevsky reveals the falseness of his character 's theories describing their disastrous consequences for the soul of Raskolnikov. The authour tries to shows his readers that there are no aims in the world capable to justify a crime. And there is no crime that would be unpunished. That …show more content…

His character is a kind of warning to the protagonist showing a bright example what will become with Rodion if he does not obey the voice of his own conscience and wants to live with the crime done not redeemed by suffering. In this character Dostoevsky reveals the depth of the moral fall of a human being. Thus, it is Svidrigailov who is the most dangerous for Raskolnikov, as he constantly reassures the protagonist that they are the same. Nevertheless, Rodion tries to get rid of this terrible man but unsuccessfully. Apparent similarity of the major character and his “twin” may be brightly noticed, as the author shows the relation to other people and to themselves. That is why, Svidrigailov 's suicide became a final destruction of Raskolnikov 's