The Torrance Test Of Creative Thinking

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Divergent thinking, in turn represents a style of thinking that allows many new ideas being generated, in a context where more than one solution is correct(18). The probably best example is a brainstorming session, which has the aim of generating as many ideas on a particular issue as possible(18). Thus, many possible solutions are explored in a short amount of time, and unexpected connections are drawn. There are also various activities which can promote divergent thinking such as brainstorming, meditation, creative artwork, mind or subject mapping, keeping a journal and free writing.
The importance of divergent thinking is implied by the amount of research that has been devoted to it over the years and by the large number of practical applications …show more content…

This instrument has been renewed five times from 1974 to 2008. Thus, the Torrance test of creative thinking appears to display adequate reliability and validity. The Torrance tests of creative thinking are among the most widely used assessment of creativity(25). Over a period of 25 years, E.P Torrance and his associates have developed several batteries of test activities for use in all cultures from kindergarten through adult(26). They deliberately tried to use activities that are models of creative thinking process, each involving different kinds of thinking and each contributing something unique to the batteries under …show more content…

Ten minutes are needed to complete each activity.
In each activity, a shape or a number of shapes is provided on a page as a stimulus. In activity one, there is a pear or jelly like shape, ten incomplete figures in activity two, and thirty pairs of vertical parallel lines for form A and thirty circles for form B in the last activity respectively. The subject has to draw a picture with the given shape which should be original and unique. The shape must be an integral part of the drawing. The subject has to keep adding ideas to the drawing so that it tells an interesting and exciting story and finally give a title to the drawing.
The figural TTCT uses picture-based divergent-thinking production tasks exercises to assess five mental abilities (fluency, originality, elaboration, abstractness of titles, and resistance to premature closure) and thirteen criterion-referenced measures (emotional expressiveness, storytelling articulateness, movement or action, expressiveness of titles, synthesis of incomplete figures, synthesis of lines or synthesis of circles, unusual visualization, internal visualization, extending or breaking boundaries, humor, richness of imagery, colorfulness of imagery, and