The Transformation Of Everyday Life Analysis

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Throughout the years, the way American life has changed in many ways. In the reading, “The Transformation of Everyday Life” Florida talks about how it would be if you told someone from today’s society and have them live in the 1950’s and if you put someone from the 1950’s in today’s society how things in life would be different. In the reading “The Transformation of Everyday Life” I agree with Richard Florida that there are three different class, the service class, creative class, and working class. The jobs that are included in the service class are jobs in the fields in personal care, clerical work, and food service. The jobs are still continuing to rise “with some 55 million members today it is the largest class in terms of sheer numbers” …show more content…

There have been rises and falls in this class throughout the years. The creative class includes jobs that are in the fields of science, engineering, education, arts, music, and architecture. “The creative class remains somewhat smaller than the service class” (Florida 8). The creative class is something that I would not like to be apart of even though it is becoming a big class. There are “some 38 million Americans, 30 percent of all employed people, belong to this class” (Florida 7). I feel like that there are other classes have their own advantages and it is not all about one class. Creativity in this century is being more valued and treasured than any other time period. Richard Florida’s reasons and arguments about creativity goes with what John Fetterman, the mayor of Braddock PA, with what he is trying to do with his community and make it a better place and see if the creative class would make a difference in the …show more content…

The youth programming is when he gets involved with the kids and tries to make it better for them. He tries to get involved with the people living there and wants them to know that he is trying to make the place better. Before Fetterman was the mayor of Braddock there was lots of violence. When he became the mayor, he started the youth programming there has not been any deaths due to violence in the community for a while. In the reading the Mayor of Dust, he talks about the tattoos on his arms. On the left arm, he stated, “the tattoos are the dates of the five people we lost to senseless violence in Braddock since I took office” (Fetterman 2). This shows that the youth programming that Fetterman started is a great thing and if other people see this then they might move to this community. This also has nothing to do with the creative class that Florida believes is the best thing to make everything