
The Transgender Issue With The Theory Of Reasoned Action

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Transgender is a term used for one’s self-identification and it is not a disorder . We can relate the transgender issue with the theory of Theory of Reasoned Action. This theory is proposed by Fishbein and Ajzen that are originally developed in 1967 and further developed during the 1970’s. By the 1980’s, this theory is very commonly used to study human behaviour. It must distinguish between attitude, beliefs and behaviour. The conceptual structure of this theory is Beliefs as foundations for attitudes that is the knowledge about object will determines the attitudes, intentions & behaviour. Belief also used for making judgements, forming evaluations and for decision making. Behaviour is about the observable acts that are studied in their …show more content…

In connection to this theory, among the factors that transgender is due to the influence of the environment. For example, they are born in male siblings will feel generally men are rough and tough. Because of that, they decided to look like women because they are tended to like more on the character of a gentle and quiet that are usually own by a woman. Usually, the person will abnormally behave on what she or he must be according to his or her gender is at the age of 5 or 6 years. At this stage, they have begun to act differently from their original gender.
The second factor is a transgender person accepted by the family and society. The openness has caused them to be more willing to assert themselves in public. Particularly family should play a role in educating other family members. They need to advice each other among family members. If they do not refuse the practice transgender among family members, definitely the community are also not able to advise them to change.
The third factor is the religion. Religion is important in one's life as a guide of life. A man without religion is misguided. For example, in Islam, prayer is the foundation of the religion. Parents should play their role to educating their children to pray from childhood. Transgender issues often occur in people who do not practice the religion. They prefer a free life without

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