The Trials And Tribulations Of Racialized Critical Rhetorical Theory

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Hasian, Marouf, Jr.. and Delgado, Fernando. (1998), The Trials and Tribulations of Racialized Critical Rhetorical Theory: Understanding the Rhetorical Ambiguities of Proposition 187. Communication Theory, 8: 245–270. Article Summary Our society has become accustomed to categorizing people into groups by size, social class, religion, and even color. As we study the reason behind why and what elements play a role in theorizing about the role that race plays in various rhetorical cultures. The essay argues that by incorporating theoretical insights and critical race theory insights, we can better understand and study of race and race relations. There are two forms of racism, traditional versus modern. In our history of time, as our way of …show more content…

Racialized critical rhetorical theorizing is the way the public and legal notions of race influence the decisions that are made for our society that changes outcomes or actions based on our society’s views. Throughout this essay there is a discussion about the strengths and weaknesses of racial studies, and the contributions of legal race theorists that have studied to understand the arguments of racialized critical rhetorical theorizing. When we focus on this subject, there is also an emphasis placed on positive reconstruction and race consciousness. Article Discussion This essay discusses and explores a specific rhetoric theory in which the issue of race is analyzed. Similar to how Aristotle and other individuals took a keen interest in the study of rhetoric and selected a particular area of focus, the authors in this essay concentrate on race and race relations. Initially, it points out that the evaluation and analysis of how race is integrated within the study of rhetoric and how it affects various cultures is still in its premature stages. The article is an …show more content…

“We didn’t cross the border, the border crossed us” (259). The approvement of Proposition 187 in November 1994 led to racial controversy within California. Proposition 187 denied health care, education, and other services to undocumented immigrants. Officers and other defenders of the government were, also, asked to report any suspicious and “suspected” undocumented immigrants to the authorities. Voters for Proposition 187 sought to protect the United States schools, jobs, cities, and economics from illegal immigrants. Immigrants, who crossed the Mexican borders into California, were destroying the freedoms of Californians and uprooting their resources. Aliens, as they were also called, were perceived as illegal immigrants who took American jobs, sat in American school, and brought their crimes across the